
Kindergarten - pre-school - childcare

Finding a kindergarten, pre-school or childcare facility for your child involves an application through the municipality of Trondheim by March 1 of the year you plan to start sending your child. 

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The application process

Parents who want to send their children to preschool starting in August have to apply for a spot from the city of Trondheim by March 1 of that same year. If you miss that deadline it can be difficult, but not impossible, to find a place for your child.

See The city of Trondheim's website for more information about kindergaten and application. 

Barnehage is a word that encompasses many English-language concepts, including pre-schools, kindergartens, nursery schools and child care centres. All of these are considered barnehage in Norwegian.

Students who need childcare can apply to the SiT Kindergarten and Pre-school.