
Co-location of IDI

Co-location of IDI: the overall process 

The Department of Computer Technology and Informatics (IDI) in Trondheim was co-located at Gløshaugen furing 2019. This wiki page aims to inform all employees and students about the move process. 

The appointed working group for the move, had since autumn 2018, and following the general meetings in January 2019, been working to find solutions for new placement of groups and employees. On the 13th of February it was decided that AIT (IDI at Kalvskinnet) was to move to the IT building´s south wing (IT-Syd). 

The co-location of IDI is part of NTNU’s general co-location project. Both projects emphasise the importance of good processes for participation. 

Latest news

24.06.20: Experience with premises on hold due to campus closure spring / summer 2020

IDI staff and students had some months to experience function of new areas. But in mid-March 2020, the campus closed down due to Covid-19 and most people have been away and meet at Gløshaugen again in August. Further experience was postponed and to be taken up again during the autumn. Areas for use in the autumn of 2020 has been planned for, but there would be expected less space in more areas due to restrictions as the 1m distance requirements. 


All students and staff are encouraged to participate in the IDI co-location project. 

Opportunities for participation are announced events and general meetings, as well as on invitations from the project to discuss the process. 

Fall 2018 IDI conducted a seminar at Oppdal with all employees. This was followed by general meetings to inform about the ongoing co-location process. IDI´s own working group (see chapter below) has discussed the co-location prosess in regular meetings.

  Participation for employees and students takes place in mainly the first three stages: 

Hovedfaser for medvirkning


Who works with the co-location process at IDI? 

The project group at IDI 

A project group has been established who works with the overall process: 

Prosjektgruppa for samlokalisering ved IDI, 2019

Picture of the project group for co-location at IDI, 2019. Photo: Kjersti Lunden Nilsen

These are also part of the larger working group at IDI: 

The working group at IDI 

The representatives of the working group bring issues from and to their employee groups and students, who can provide their opinions and input. Matters are brought back to meetings where we discuss solutions and arrive at a basis for decisions. Decisions are made in the project group, by John Krogstie, based on the working group’s work and discussions. 

The working group consists of the following people:

  • Åsmund Haugse - Student Representative Gløshaugen 
  • Joakim Heitmann Tronseth - Student Representative Kalvskinnet 
  • Magnus Själander - Computing 
  • Bart Iver van Blokland - Temporary staff
  • Mads Nygård - DART 
  • Babak Amin Farshchian - ISSE 
  • Birgit Sørgård – Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) 
  • Stein Meisingseth / Hege Annette Olstad - HSE delegates Kalvskinnet 
  • Randi Holvik – HSE delegate Gløshaugen 
  • Alf Høiset - Technical group 

Bilde av arbeidsgruppen IDI samlokalisering

Meeting in the working group, Kalvskinnet march 2019. From the left: Jan Håvard Ryen, John Krogstie, Morten Antonsen, Mads Nygård, Alf Høiset, Bart Iver van Blokland, Birgit Sørgård, Randi Holvik, Åsmund Haugse, Hege Annette Olstad, Monica Storvik, Joakim Heitmann Tronseth. Photo: Kjersti Lunden Nilsen


Employee areas 

In order to put in place necessary individual workspaces, meeting rooms, laboratories, common functions etc., while IDI also have growth, a densification of people in the IT building was expectable. IDI has been looking at a more efficient utilization of the areas we already have available. This work takes place in parallel with work to secure the necessary teaching areas.   

Principles for the new office locations decided 

The project group of IDI decided on the 20th of March the following principles. All of the affected groups at IDI have been heard in this case. An overall assessment will be made in each case, based on the principles:

  • Employees with special needs   
  • Leaders with personal responsibility 
  • Employees working especially with students, other colleagues and external relations 
  • Employees who need to use their phone or Skype on a regular basis

In week 48, 2019, IDI AIT moved from Kalvskinnet to new offices in IT building´s south wing (IT-Syd). According to schedule. Labs there wer also completed in November and ready for rigging and use.

LOSAM meetings regarding office areas in IT building south wing 

21.06.2019: IDI got approval from LOSAM (the Local Cooperation Committee) on the area plan of use of second floor offices at the IT building's south wing. Regarding use of common areas, lunch areas and workplaces. See attached office drawings at bottom og page.

In LOSAM meeting October 2019 the working group at IDI presented our prosess and recieved support for the discussion regarding employee placement at IT-south offices. A very good and tidy process was the feedback for LOSAM. Agreed Principles of office placement and direct involvment with employees at AIT group was a key to a good process. 

Designing and rebuilding of the IT building's south wing  

In May and June, planning of how the areas both in Realfagbygget and IT building will be rebuilt was done in cooperation with engineers of various disciplines, NTNU and user representatives from IDI. Big and small details of the rooms have been carefully reviewed. 

Contractors was invited to at meeting June 19th, and inspected the areas, before a following competition between contractors was held and choice of contractors was made. Rebuilding started August 19th 2019 and will continue through fall 2019. IT South wing is to be finished by November 1st.

Rooms concerned is a new "VisualiseringsLab", "E-LæringsLab" og "SamhandlingsLab" ("Visualization Lab", "E-Learning Lab" and "Collaboration Lab" in the basement (room 015 and 043), and some minor rebuilding project in office areas at the second floor. AIT group from Kalvskinnet was to move in week 48, 2019. See drawings of all rooms at bottom of page, attachments. 

The computer museum (Datamuseet), which was earlier in room 043, had to move and was temporary stored at the IT building. The museum's former location became the new VisualiztionLab and E-learningLab in late 2019. The computer museum will likely be re-established at a new location at NTNU. 

Rebuilding in IT south got along well and weekly building meeting and good coordination between workers was essential to keep schedule.  

The remodeling of IT South was completed in November 2019.

The new office space and labs was rebuilt and furnished for IDI AIT to move in as planned in week 48, 2019. The project had an inspecton of the office space November 8th and labs November 14th. A few small issued were noted and fixed shortly after. A few in offices and some at Visualization Lab, E-learning Lab and the Collaboration Lab. 

Student areas 

Teaching continued at Kalvskinnet until the end of the semester, autumn 2019. Students started at Gløshaugen in January 2020, when new learning areas in Realfagbygget was ready for use.

Alongside the co-location, IDI and IE faculty worked on solutions for more student workplaces. .

Reconstruction of teaching areas at Realfagbygget A-block

The study administration had before building, checked that there will be enough space in Realfagbygget for the teaching at IDI for spring 2020. The case was discussed in the steering committee of SAMLOK at NTNU 5 April 2019. (simulation for the autumn semester 2020 was expected afterwards). 

Rebuilding of the teaching areas in the Realfag building (A-block) started June 11th and was mainly done during the summer  of 2019, to avoid disturbance for students and teaching activities. There was some work in August to complete the work. The reconstructed rooms are in the second and fourth floor, rooms A2-121 (R52), A2-127, A2-098 and A4-112. 

Completion of AV equipment and furnishing was done in desember in mentioned rooms. AV by week 51 and furnishing in week 49, 2019. Some new furniture og some as good as new, reused. This work was done after teaching ended to minimize inconvenience for students. Areas were mostly available for students, but the rooms needed to be finished before start of semester in January and we apologize for possible inconvenience it may caused students. 

Other student area projects at IDI

Drivhuset at IT-Syd:
IDI applied to remodel in start of fall 2019, and the work started early in November and lasted through winter and spring of 2020. While staff and students were away from campus in the spring, furniture delivery delays were completed. The area is now become more suitable for student work, with better furnishings and an interior with focus on good  workiing environment. A separate reading area with 57 seats is for 2020 and remaining area of approx 50 seats is arranged with group seating and meeting rooms. Drivhuset is reserved for 4th-level master's students at IDI, for now. But IDI will follow up on usage and necessity for areas regarding students on other levels.

Meeting rooms 119B and 119C at the end of Drivhuset is equipped with Skype infrastructure. See drawing of new Drivhuset below at "Documents and attachments".    

"Gamle Fysikk" 3rd floor:

IDI gained new space at "Gamle Fysikk" building from January 2020 and established about 90 new seats for master students (primarily 5th level). Some master rooms at IT-building, west,  were transferred here to accommodate increased number of temporary staff at IDI. This has contributed to a better coverage of spaces for master students in total.

Documents and attachments

Posts about the Co-location process at Innsida