
Blackboard - ​Record feedback to students

In this user guide, you will find information about how to record feedback to students in Blackboard in the Grade Center.

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Recording feedback

You can embed audio or video recordings with your feedback when you grade attempts in the grade center. Students can watch or listen to your feedback next to any text you include.

Recordings can help you connect with students in courses with little to no face-to-face communication. Combining video and audio recordings with feedback in text format, can help provide students with useful, actionable, and more personal feedback regarding their submissions.

At this time, feedback in audio and video format is not supported for grading rubrics. Not all browsers support this feature. You should use Chrome or Firefox for the best user experience.

Make recordings

Feedback recordings are unique to each student's submission. You cannot download, share or reuse recordings created in the feedback editor.

  1. To start grading, enter the Grading Center and fin the submission you want to give feedback on. Click on the grey circle (1) behind the submission, and select Attempt (2). You will now come to the Grade Details page.

    show the grade center with an arrow pointing at the grey circle behind a student's submission. In the menu that shows up, an arrow is pointing at the attempt
  2. To be able to record your feedback, select the icon represented by the letter A (1) at the bottom of the Feedback to Learner box. The editor opens in a pop-up window.

    Shows the grade center sidebar with an arrow point at the letter A in the Feedback to Learner-box
  3. In the Feedback to Learner window, select the microphone icon at the bottom left of the word processing tool. A new window will now open.

    Shows the feecback to learner window with an aroow pointing at the microphone at the bottom left of the word processing tool
  4. The first time you open the recording window, you must give your browser permission to use audio and video. In the box that appears at the top left, asking you to allow Blackboard to use the microphone and camera, click Allow (1).

    Shows the recording window with a box in the top left corner asking to allow blackboard to use microphone and camera. There is a blue arrow pointing at allow, which activates this
  5. In the recording window, click on the camera icon (1) in the recording interface to enable the camera. If the camera is not activated, the tool only records audio when you start recording. When you are ready, click the Record button (2) to capture audio and video feedback.

    shows the recording window with the camera and record icon in the bottom center. There is an arrow pointing at the camera icon and an arrow pointing at the record button
  6. Get ready to record while the tool counts down. You can make recordings that last up to five minutes.

    Picture shows the recording window, with a number in the middle counting down to start recording
  7. Select Pause recording (1) to stop and resume recording the feedback, or select Stop recording (2) to review the recording and save or discard it. If you want to re-record the feedback, you can delete the recording and start again.

    Shows the recording window wiile doing a recording. There is an arrow pointing at the pause icon and an arrow pointing at the stop icon, in the bottom center
  8. Select Save and exit (1) if you are satisfied with the recording and want to share it with the student.

    Shows a finished recording, with an arrow pointing at save and exit in the bottom right corner
  9. Next, rename the recording (1) and add alternate text (2) to make it accessible to all users. By default, the system uses the time and date of the recording for these fields. Select Insert recording (3) to complete the process and insert the feedback into the editing tool.

    Show the information of the recording, with an arrow pointing at recording name and alternate text. There is a third arrow pointing at insert recording in the bottom right corner
  10. The recording will now be added in the Feedback to Learner window. Press Submit (1) to add the recording to the Grade Details page.

    Shows the Feedback ot learner window, with the recording in the text field. An arrow is pointing at submit in the bottom right corner
  11. To access the recording you have sent to a student, enter the cell of the student in question in the Grade Center, click on the grey circle (1) behind the graded submission and select View Grade Details (2).

    Show the grade center with an arrow point at the grey circle behind a student's graded submission. In the menu that appears, an arrow is poiting at view grade details at the top

Recording files

Recording files are not included in course archives and backups, though the file association is retained. The recording should appear within the data retention window when the course is restored on the same Blackboard Learn system. Contact your administrator for more specific information about data retention at your institution.

See also


Orakel Support Service can help you if you have questions or encounter difficulties.