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Norwegian Bokmål

Banner - Planlegge semesteret - For ansatte

Plan the semester

For employees

Planlegge semesteret/undervisningen

Your semester planning should give students a sense that they are undertaking a thoroughly thought-out course of study. Your plan should naturally have its roots in the learning goals listed in the course description. Your planning should include academic, pedagogic and practical issues to ensure that students are given the best possible learning situation.

Use the web-based teaching tool Blackboard 

The responsible lecturer must set up a reference group (referansegruppe) which should evaluate the course. This evaluation must be conducted both during the semester and at the end of the course.


This page is still under construction. If you have ideas for what should be included on this page, please send an e-mail to

Planlegge semesteret - for ansatte


  • Kan jeg fritt kopiere og bruke tekster fra internett?
  • Kan jeg legge inn bilder av kunstverk i presentasjonen min?
  • Må jeg ha samtykke for å dele fotografier og opptak som gjengir personer fra min undervisning?
  • Kan jeg spille musikk fra strømmetjenester i undervisningen?

Finn svarene - og mye mer - på