
University Research Committee

Mandate for the University Research Committee (FU).

På norsk: Forskningsutvalget (FU)


The University Research Committee (FU) is to be a strategic advisory body for the Rector and is chaired by the Pro-Rector for Research. The Committee is to have an important role in the implementation of NTNU’s strategy for research. This means that the Committee is to be an active adviser to Rector in research issues and help to strengthen the research culture at NTNU. The University Research Committee is to help prepare matters for the Deans' committee meeting.


The Committee is chaired by the Pro-Rector for Research and has the following members: 

  • Vice-Deans of Research from the faculties and the equivalent from the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology. The Committee's members do not have deputies.
  • As needed, heads of strategic research areas and of technological initiatives, a representative of the doctoral candidates’ association (DION), the Student Parliament and others may be asked to attend. 

Staff of the Pro-Rector for Research provide secretarial functions for the Committee. 

Working method

  • The University Research Committee meets 3-4 times during the semester.
  • The content of the meetings is generated in coordination between the faculties and the university administration.
  • Copies of the agenda and minutes are sent to the faculty research administration and the doctoral candidates’ association (DION).
  • The Committee's members help to prepare items for the agenda.
  • The Committee's secretary writes the minutes. 


The Committee is to be a strategic body for realizing NTNU’s research strategy. The Committee is to discuss matters that are important to strengthen the quality of research in terms of focus and scope, develop scientific and academic areas where the university can contribute to addressing large, complex societal challenges, strengthen enabling technologies, develop the organized researcher training programme and be responsible for research ethics. The Committee is to contribute to the exchange of experience between faculties and promote best practice, as well as consistent practice when appropriate. 

Approved by Rector on 5 September 2013