
University Education Committee

In Norwegian: Utdanningsutvalget


The University Education Committee (UU) is to be a strategic advisory body for the Rector, and is chaired by the Pro-Rector for Education. The Committee advises and develops recommendations for policies and activities related to education matters. The Committee's work is to be based on the faculties' thinking and help NTNU to achieve a comprehensive education strategy, offer relevant education programmes and provide high-quality research-based education. The Committee is to be an inter-faculty forum for discussion of relevant issues at faculty level.


The Committee is to discuss matters on its own initiative or initiatives that come from Rector as well as matters proposed by the faculties, other executive committees or the Student Parliament.

In accordance with the overall objectives, the Committee is to take the initiative and advise on:

  • the quality of learning and education
  • quality assurance of the education activities and the annual quality assurance report
  • the university’s teaching and pedagogical support
  • the structure and scope of the programme of study portfolio
  • the admission framework and size of the education programmes
  • the use and design of interdisciplinary and inter-faculty courses and programmes of study

The Committee has a special responsibility to advise Rector on common courses and institutional cooperation and alliance building with relevance to NTNU's education activities.

The Committee can also advise Rector on statements from NTNU in response to hearings related to education issues, candidates that NTNU wishes to nominate for external awards related to education activities and grant applications from NTNU regarding external project funding related to education activities


The Committee is chaired by the Pro-Rector for Education and has the following members:

  • the Vice-Deans for Education
  • two students appointed by the Student Parliament
  • the heads of the Executive Committee for Teacher Education (FUL), the Executive Committee for Engineering Education (FUS) and the Committee for Applied Engineering Education (FUI)

Secretarial functions for the Committee are provided by Rector's staff.