
Post a message on Innsida

This article offers helpful information on writing and posting messages on Innsida. You can post to most message channels to which you subscribe, with the exception of messages sent to all of NTNU.

Norsk versjon - Skriv melding på Innsida

Topic page about IT services | Pages labelled Innsida or message channels.

New message

  1. Click on the pencil icon to write a new message.
  2. In the Recipients field type the name of the channel(s) you want to publish to.
    Only channels where you have publishing rights will  be shown in the list.
  3. Compose a good title and message content.
  4. Pictures and attachments can be attached using buttons in the editor toolbar (4)
  5. Add relevant tags (5)
  6. Click Publish when you are done (6).


  • Start with the most important information highest up in the message. (Additional writing tips).
  • A precise and good title is very important if you want people to read your message. Don't use capital letters.
  • Use sub-titles in the message to divy up the contents. You will find heading alternatives in the drop-down menu labelled Format.
  • If you are writing about an event with a certain date, click Show more fields.

Post to multiple channels simultaneously

You can post one message to multiple channels by adding more channels in the recipient field. If your message is relevant to both staff and students, you can add both a department and the relevant study program channels in the recipient field (see example below).

Post to multiple channels simultaneously

You cannot change what is in the recipient field after the message is published, but you can share the original message with others. See republish a message (Norwegian only).

Formatting options


Use the options of actions such as "Sign up" or "Download" (see example below).

Example of button

  1. Select the text you want to link from, and create a link in the usual way
  2. Place the cursor in the link
  3. Click the drop down menu for the styles and select either action-primary or secondary action

Highlight a paragraph as a quote

  1. Select a section
  2. Click the "-icon in the toolbar (see example below)

Example of paragraph as a quote

Including pictures in your message

The picture should be optimized for the Internet and should have the right dimensions. Your pictures shouldn't exceed a maximum width of 840 pixels. You can also see how to adjust the width of your picture in step 5 below.

How to upload a picture

  1. Click on the image button in the toolbar.
  2. Pull the picture you want to use into the box or upload a picture (png, jpg or gif format) from your computer. Do you need a picture? See pictures from NTNU for downloading
  3. Internet Explorer users may also need to click on the Last opp fil (Upload file) button
  4. Change the width of the picture (max 840 pixels) along with other settings if you want.
  5. Click OK

Click the picture to adjust the size or adjust it to the right or the left, to replace it with another picture, add a link or delete.

Image captions

Please note: This procedure works only on pictures that fully covers the coloumn's width in the message system.

Add an image caption by placing the image caption below the image, mark the text and choose Styles in the tool bar. Choose image-caption-NTNU.

Video in messages

  1. Upload your video to YouTube. If the video is made on behalf of NTNU it should be uploaded to the NTNU YouTube account. Username and password can be obtained by contacting the Communications Department.
  2. Upload the video to NTNU Box if it is only for internal use (see language options at the bottom menu).
  3. Locate your video on YouTube/Box.
  4. Find the embedded link on YouTube/Box.
  5. Change the height and width of the video. Set the width to be 580px, height is automatically adjusted so that the format is retained.
  6. Copy the embedded link from YouTube/Box into your message.

Additional fields for messages about events

Use the "View multiple fields" button under the calendar icon to the right when posting information about i.e. seminars, deadlines and meetings. These additional fields makes it possible to publish the event to Innsida, etc. - both as a news message and calendar event. Post when an event actually takes place. Abuse of time and date fields leads to noise in the activity overviews and misleading calendar entries.

Checkbox for "Events" are NOT used for messages you want to keep internally. You must only check it if you want to make the activity visible also on the external sites. More on this below.

I need extra help with entering calendar data (settings, recommendations) (Norwegian only).

How to publish a disputation (constraints) (Norwegian only).

Attached files

A 5 MB limit

Attachments and pictures in messages cannot be bigger than 5MB. If you need to share a file that is larger than 5MB, it's best to put it out on a shared file service or webserver to which your target audience has access.

How to attach a file

  1. Click on the  Last-opp-fil (Upload file) button in the toolbar.
  2. Pull the document into the box or click to upload from your computer (png, jpg, gif).
  3. Click on the document name to edit the link text.

Supported file formats

Innsida message channels support the following file formats

  • pdf
  • odt
  • doc og docx (pdf is recommended)
  • ppt (pdf is recommended)
  • xls
  • jpg
  • png
  • gif

Some file formats are not supported, including:

  • zip
  • exe

Use PDFs for attachments

We like to use PDF as the file format because it is relatively platform independent.

Why? If your readers work with Linux or Mac, it can be difficult or impossible for them to open files that are saved in a Windows-based format, and vice versa. This is particularly true for ppt, doc, og docx files that readers do not need to be able to edit themselves. More and more users use tablets instead of full computers, and virtually all tablets have some kind of support for reading PDFs.

See also: