
Outgoing mobility - PhD

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A PhD qualifies you for leading work in business, administration, higher education and research. An important part of the doctoral education is to acquire skills and general competence in addition to your own research project. One way to do this is outgoing mobility as a part of the doctoral work. This can be anything from conferences and seminars to longer stays at other institutions and companies in Norway or abroad.

PhD candidates who are planning to apply to one of NTNU’s partner universities must submit an application for exchange by the ordinary exchange deadlines and by using the online application.


NTNUs strategy says that all PhD candidates should be part of an international research fellowship (NTNU's strategy 2018-2025 and International Development Plan 2022-2025).

This includes:

  • Active participation in international conferences
  • Publication in international journals with peer review
  • Collaboration with research groups in other countries

One way to pursue internationalization is by staying abroad. If you want to go on a longer stay, it is important to carefully consider where to go and the purpose of your stay. A stay abroad can be very useful professionally, personally and as networking, but it requires well planning.

Planning mobility

Plan place, time and content with your supervisor. Depending on the goal of your mobility and where you are going, different paper work will be necessary, such as residence permit. Clarify what is needed and feel free to ask colleagues about their experiences and the administration (see Contacts for doctoral education) for help.

Shorter mobility such as conferences or courses:

Research stay

  • Contact relevant academic environments and make an agreement on content and time.
  • Apply for transfer of workplace (Applies for mobility for more than three days. If you are an externally appointed PhD candidate, you must also notify NTNU about the length of your stay and which institution you are going to. This can be done, for example, in connection with the annual progress reporting).
  • Check if something is needed with regard to NAV/ Folketrygden/Skatteetaten
  • If your study abroad includes PhD courses at a foreign educational institution, you must apply for the courses as part of your doctorate after you have passed the course.
  • NTNU’s pages for sabbaticals contain quite a bit of general information concerning research stays abroad and your rights and obligations concerning your employer
  • Euraxess - outgoing researchers: Advice for outgoing researchers

Field work:

  • Clarify with supervisor if approvals / permits are needed before leaving.
  • Apply for transfer of workplace (Applies for mobility for more than three days. If you are an externally appointed PhD candidate, you must also notify NTNU about the length of your stay and which institution you are going to. This can be done, for example, in connection with the annual progress reporting).

Faculty-specific information

Some Faculties have their own guidelines for mobility. Please contact your local contact for doctoral education and ask for specifications or if they have any specifications, or see faculty web pages.

  • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences: Up to 6 ECTS may be approved as part of the compulsory coursework component for research stays lasting more than two consecutive weeks.
  • Faculty of Humanities: PhD research fellows may apply for funding for longer research stays abroad. For more information and to find the application form, look at HF - Støtte til forsking og formidling.


PhD - Faculty contacts

See wiki page Phd - Faculty contacts.