
Management of study programmes

This page contains different models for programme of study leadership. The requirements are invariable and responsibility cannot be delegated, but tasks can be delegated.

Main page: Education Quality at NTNU
På norsk: Lede studieprogram

Common standard for responsibilities, positions and requirements

To ensure continuity and achievement of goals through prioritizing and action, the quality assurance work at NTNU is based in NTNU’s leadership line. Responsibility cannot be delegated, but tasks can be.

Different leadership models

Even though responsibility cannot be delegated, different ways of structuring the programme of study give different needs for leadership and quality assurance. The following models are examples of how a programme of study may be organized, following the requirements and responsibilities as defined in the NTNU system:

Programmes of study that are internal to the faculty

Certain programmes of study exist within the faculty, that is, they are internal to the faculty. This means that they only incorporate courses from one faculty, but from several departments.

Department internal programmes

Other programmes of study exist entirely within a department. They only incorporate courses from one department. In this case, the head of department has all the available resources at his disposal, as well as being the leader of all involved parties. It is therefore natural for the head of department to delegate most of the responsibility for these programmes. The leader of the programme of study should still report to the faculty, and the dean is still responsible for the programme of study. If the head of department is also the leader of the programme of study, he or she is responsible for the tasks that apply to both positions.

Interfaculty programmes of study

Programmes of study may be interfaculty. They are then made up of courses from several faculties, with one or more department involved from each faculty.

Programme of study management committees (FUS og FUL)

For the five-year integrated engineering and teacher programs, there are separate committees (FUS and FUL, respectively) to maintain the interfaculty coordination and develop common quality requirements. Note that model described in the document below gives a rather simplified picture – several faculties and departments may be involved.

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