
Internet access

NTNU has an extensive computer network and provides wireless network on campus. You can also access NTNU's network from home using VPN.

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Wired network

Wired access to the internet can be found in both offices and common areas at NTNU. These will give direct access to the internet, and while on campus resources that require a connection to the NTNU network as well.

Wireless network

Students and employees at NTNU are free to use the wireless network eduroam. The name is an abbreviation for "Education Roaming" and is an international roaming service for users at research institutes and higher education. This means that you can access a secure wireless network at other universities and research institutes i Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia. By simply connecting to eduroam at NTNU using your NTNU username and password, you can access any eduroam network throughout the world.

Connect to the wireless network

Wireless network for guests

Guests can use the wireless networks eduroam and ntnuguest. eduroam requires an active NTNU account or an active affiliation to other organizations who also utilizes the eduroam network. In some cases this could require a specific setup from your local IT support. ntnuguest can be used solely for web traffic.

Access from home (VPN)

You can access internal resources without being directly connected to the NTNU network. Using Virtual Private Network (VPN) you can for instance access the university library's databases and your home directory. Some programs offered by NTNU also requires an internet connection through the NTNU network, either on campus or through VPN. VPN is a secure connection between your computer and the NTNU network.

Learn more about how to install VPN.


Orakeltjenesten can help if you encounter difficulties.