

Employees cannot participate in or attempt to influence decisions when the outcome may be of personal interest. Potential conflicts of interest must always be reported to supervisors.

Norsk versjon - Habilitet

Topic page about the research process | Pages labelled with impartiality

Impartiality and roles

Spouses, cohabitants or close relatives working at NTNU should not be in the same line of authority as you, nor should they be a part of committees or councils responsible for approving, financing or assessing your research project. They must recuse themselves from the committee during the processing of your case.

If you you must leave the decision to others or recuse yourself from the body responsible for the decision.

Potential conflicts in appointments and positions

If you want to undertake appointments or additional positions, this has to be approved by your supervisor. Board appointments, additional positions or paid assignments must be compatible with NTNU interests. Employees should be open about additional positions and organizational appointments.

NTNU cannot hire its own employees

NTNU cannot hire its own employees to perform assignments as tradespersons. For activities financed on the basis of contributions or assignments the following guidelines apply:

"The institutions cannot hire their own employees to perform assignments as tradespersons. This is because employees are not allowed to invoice the institution. All employees, including employees working on projects financed on the basis of contributions or assignments, are subject to the same rules regarding additional positions and loyalty to the employer as other employees, cf. provisions on additional positions etc. in the State Personnel Manual".

The Ministry of Education and Research on activities financed on the basis of contributions or assignments (in Norwegian).