
Create a survey about educational quality for students

In order to collect feedback from all the students who attend a course, a digital questionnaire is often most efficient. This page contains a recommended standard battery of questions, information about practical and technical issues, as well as some general advice about the use of surveys regarding education quality.

Main page: Education quality | Pages tagged with quality assurance
På norsk: Lage spørreskjema til studentene om utdanningskvalitet

Recommended questionnaire

At Lund University, the Faculty of Engineering has for many years used a standardized questionnaire as its main methodology for collecting feedback from the students. The results of these surveys are then used as basis for a discussion between the course administrator, teachers and student representatives, before each of the three parties write a course report.

The questionnaire consists of 26 questions, covering five subjects:

  • High quality teaching
  • Clear goals
  • Comprehension-oriented assessment
  • Suitable workload
  • General skills

Standard questions for course evaluation - Norwegian and English (pdf)

Survey tools

NTNU uses a service developed and run by the University of Oslo, called Nettskjema, for online surveys. Please refer to the wiki about Nettskjema (in Norwegian) for information and login.

You can also create and distribute surveys through the course's page in Blackboard. Please refer to Blackboard - tools and functionality for more information.

Until June 2021, NTNU could also use SelectSurvey. If you need help downloading data from older surveys, please contact Orakeltjenesten via NTNU Hjelp.

Advantages of using surveys


  • ensure that all students taking the course can voice their opinion
  • enable comparison over time
  • are suitable for both mid-way evaluation and final evaluation

General advice when using surveys

  • Reflect closely on what kind of feedback you need, and on how you intend to use the information you collect
  • Consider using a survey as a starting point for discussions with a reference group or student representatives
  • Make sure the students have had time to gain some experience before the survey is distributed
  • Announce the survey in advance, so that the students have time to reflect and prepare
  • Consider making the survey a part of the learning activities (e.g. as part of a lecture)
  • Explain the importance of their feedback to the students, and describe how the results from the survey will be followed up by the teaching staff
  • Remember to upload the survey results to KASPER


For more information about collection and storage of various information, please refer to Research Data@NTNU.