
Communication support for centres and projects

Communication support and advice for research projects, strategic research areas and centres. 

Norsk versjon - Kommunikasjonsstøtte til senter og prosjekt

See the page Research project administration for general project support.

Before and during the application/establishment process

Dissemination and communication are an important part of our social mission and a strategic tool for achieving the goals of the project, strategic research area or centre. The application should emphasize communication and impact, and resources for this purpose should be applied for. In larger applications, earmarked resources from the "pot" for dissemination should be allocated for a communication employee/percentage of a position in communication. The head of communications at the relevant faculty should be involved right from the application phase.

Communications resource

We recommend that all large research projects, strategic research areas and centres have a dedicated communication resource (minimum 50% position), who works closely with the head of communications at the faculty and the communications staff at the faculty/department. For major research projects, adequate resources should be allocated for implementation, either as a part-time position or to buy the communication services needed.

Contact the head of communications

At the start of the project, strategic research area or centre, both the head of communications at the faculty and the department’s communications staff should be contacted, so that coordination, advice and help in the start-up phase are taken care of in the best possible way. For a list of the people responsible for communications at the faculties, NTNU University Museum and the University Library, see the page:

Communication tools

Communication plan

The communication plan should be developed in consultation with the head of communications at the faculty/communication resource at the department. 

As a minimum, a communication plan should include descriptions of goals, audiences, messages, actions, channels, costs, and a risk assessment.

Visual identity

If NTNU is the host institution and owns 50% or more of the project, NTNU’s visual identity is to be used: NTNU’s graphic profile. If NTNU is only one of several parties on an equal footing, a separate logo and visual identity can be created, but the parties as owners must be clearly shown. In any case, we recommend getting a visual identity package in place at an early stage.   This applies primarily to centres and strategic research areas. Research projects do not need their own visual identity.

Example of a visual identity package:

  • Graphic identity elements (logo, wordmarks, choice of colours, fonts, symbols, use of images, etc.) 
  • Template set-up for standard products (PowerPoint templates, brochures, posters, roll-ups, business cards, etc) 
  • Website (design) 
  • Annual report (template) 
  • Conference materials (launch) 


All official webpages that have NTNU as the sender (in Norwegian) and that are to be posted on the Web must use NTNU’s publishing tools. There are several reasons why you should use NTNU’s website for official NTNU communication. Read more about why one should use NTNU’s website (in Norwegian).

Blogs and social media

If the communication plan indicates a need for a blog and/or a dedicated channel in social media, an assessment of the most suitable channels should be carried out together with the head of communications at the faculty/communications resource at the department. They should also consider whether new channels should be created. You can find more information on how to create a new blog or channel on social media here:

NTNU guidelines

For general advice and help in planning, applications and starting research projects, see:

All communication at NTNU must follow:

All research at NTNU must follow:

Overview of strategic research areas, centres and research projects

Strategic research areas

Research centres

The advice has been compiled in consultation with Kommunikasjonsforum and approved by the Director of the Communication Division. 

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