
Edit your profile...

Change your profile photo

How to change profile photo at Innsida and

Norsk versjon: Legg til eller endre profilbilde
Main page: Edit your profile page| Pages labeled with profile

Add or change your profile photo

  1. Log in to Innsida and go to My profile in the top menu.
  2. Click Edit Image at the picture field and upload the image you want to use.

Questions and answers

Q Can I use anything for my profile picture?

We recommend that you choose a neutral portrait image. Although NTNU encourages fit and healthy employees, the job profile is not the place to post family photos, party photos or hobby photos.

Q How big should the image be?

The image on the employee profile is square and is displayed in size 372px x 372px. For the best quality and cropping of the image, you should scale and crop the image to this size, or slightly larger, before uploading it.

Q Does the image have to be square?

No, but it is recommended – to ensure the best results in the various views where the image is used.

Q Do I have to have a profile picture?

No. But there are many reasons to have a profile picture, including: your employee profile appears high in Google searches. A complete profile, with a picture, is a good marketing channel for yourself, and it gives NTNU a good reputation.

Q Why is the photo from the access card not added automatically?

A close-up of you is personal information that NTNU must have consent to publish. By posting a picture of yourself on your profile page, there is no doubt about your consent. It is also easy for you to withdraw your consent (remove the image) with immediate effect.


Get in touch via NTNU Hjelp if you have questions.