
Automatic forwarding of your email

Automatic forwarding of NTNU email to another email account outside the university´s email system is not possible at NTNU, this applies to employees and students.

NTNU is always working to improve security and reduce the loss of personal data and sensitive information. Therefore, the Pro-Rector for Education and the IT Director has decided that automatic forwarding of e-mail from an NTNU account to other e-mail services outside the university's systems is not allowed.

Norsk versjon - Automatisk videresending av e-post

Topic page about IT services | Pages labeled with e-mail

Better security

Email is one of the factors that makes us vulnerable to digital attacks. Statistics show that most security attacks against NTNU start with an e-mail. Ntnu sends and receives approximately 200,000 e-mails daily.

Emails containing an attack, which remain in NTNU's own systems, the IT department can follow up quickly and efficiently. If the same email disappears into external email services, the work to limit the damage becomes more complex and challenging.

This decision is based on official guides to Information Security at NTNU. Here you can read more about the de

I have several e-mail addresses

It is possible to add your NTNU e-mail account on your mobile device or on your PC in addition to the one you already have. You can read more about this here:


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